Your website is the first impression your potential customers have of your business. More importantly, that first glimpse is also when your customer will make an opinion and compare your business to your competitors.
Too often websites are designed for companies by web designers with little or no understanding of the commercial needs of business. What you need is a website that actually works.
We provide the option of designing and developing a website from scratch or re-design the existing site for better presentation and reach. The open source technologies are aptly utilized to manage cost effective designing and development.
We understand the value of each of our clients and always work towards a mutually rewarding solution to build up a long lasting relationship. Our commitments to our clients are realistic and practical.
We understands the importance of the 'right' web design for your website. Our technical experts and website designers possess in-depth knowledge of design and expertise in various scripting and coding languages such as HTML, XHTML, CSS, SQL, JavaScript, AJAX, PHP, ASP,Flash etc. We also hold proficiency in CSS, CMS and object modeling.
Why your online business needs custom Website Designing?
Themes or templates that are specific to your industry might not actually be for your business. In a brick and mortar store a person can seek assistance of sales representative, however on an online platform users seek to find all they need at one go. However, if the design of the website is not specific to your business, users might feel lost resulting in loss of business.
Many a time creativity of the website designer takes over the functional aspect. Sometimes business owners convey unrealistic design concept that hampers the functionality of the web property. Here arrives the difference between UI Vs UX. As a thumb rule, your website must look appealing but not on the cost of its functionality.
As we know that with the beginning of 2014 people are accessing internet more from mobile than desktop and laptops. Therefore it is indispensable to have a device compatible website. Moreover, in today’s world user is not restricted to any single device or browser for accessing internet. And therefore, if the design of the website is not flexible to adapt devices and multiple versions of various interfaces then it certainly translates into poor business and loss of customer loyalty.
An appealing website, by itself, could not reach out to its targeted user base. It has to be promoted and advertised to attract user attention and engage them. However, if the websites are not designed for greater goals as such then they are not suitable for promotion over search engines or through campaigns. Such websites lay idle, drain resources and require costly redesigning service to be able to perform as per business requirement.
How we design your website?
Being a leading website designing company in Delhi, India, we extend our vast experience and expertise in website design. We offer end to end web design services that are fully customized to suit your requirements. The process we follow in designing your website involves the following steps.
We as a habit make an effort to fully understand your requirements. We like to understand and define the scope of the project before moving ahead. And once we have a defined goal, we strategize the work plan and inform you about the possible turnaround time.
It is the backbone of any website and therefore we ensure that it is as sturdy yet flexible as to fit in your present and any other near future requirements. Sometimes we consider more than one wireframes before moving to design stage.
We add flesh and skin to the proposed and agreed upon wireframe. We first design the home page and seek feedback from the client, post which we design other pages of the website. Once the design is completed and approved we test the same for various screen resolutions and for its flexibility over device variants. We also ensure that every single pixel of the website is designed as per the scope of the project.
Once the website is designed to perfection, it is further developed to add in functional capabilities and features. In this stage we instill in interactivity and other features such as animations and videos. This stage decides the way your website will interact and engage the users and how it will naturally perform over the search engine.
The website once loaded with features and functionalities is stringently tested in various environments. Before we hand over to you a website that will enhance your ROI, we ensure that the deliverable is fit to survive the competition prevalent over the Web world.
The beta website once loaded with features and functionality is checked for compatibility issues and any other regular hiccups and is then set free to perform over the Web. The clients can check it for deviations from the agreed upon scope of the project and suggest changes. We are happy to make changes as to the satisfaction of the client and then take the same live.
How our service helps your online business?
Our service is the best since we follow and deliver the following:
Website design mock ups are created, approved and iterated to your (clients) complete satisfaction
HTML/CSS template creation involves the process of clean and non-redundant code with perfect layout, image styles, font styles and Java Script codes
CMS (Content Management System) that allows you to edit, update, delete or add any content on your website
W3C Validated and cross browser/devices tested website that ensures a flawless user experience